“SUM Ultimate Medicare offers its patients best in class healthcare facilities addressing the capacity, safety, quality and wait-time issues becoming the first of its kind in the state.”


Haematology in a hospital plays a critical role in the diagnosis and management of disorders related to blood and blood-forming tissues. This specialized branch of medicine focuses on the study of blood and its components, including red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Haematologists in a hospital laboratory employ a variety of advanced techniques and technologies to analyze blood samples, allowing them to identify abnormalities such as anemia, leukemia, and clotting disorders. The information derived from haematological tests is essential for guiding treatment decisions, monitoring the progress of therapies, and assessing overall patient health. Moreover, haematology intersects with various medical disciplines, contributing significantly to collaborative efforts in patient care. With the continuous advancement of medical technology, haematology in a hospital remains at the forefront of enhancing diagnostic precision and therapeutic efficacy in the realm of blood-related disorders.